Refund Policy

tick iconOur return policy lasts 7 days. If any customer is eligible for refund, they will receive the amount from our team via online within 7 days of their unsuccessful ride.

tick iconTo be eligible for a refund, the Giro Kab team will verify the ride and if our team is satisfied, they will provide the refund.

tick iconIf the ride is incomplete due to the misbehavior from the customer or if our team finds out that the customer is falsely asking for a refund, they won’t be eligible for a refund.

tick iconThe customer should cancel the ride if they face any kind of misbehavior from the driver so that they will be eligible for a refund.If they didn’t cancel the ride via our mobile app, they can contact our nearest office.

tick icon Transactions, transaction price and all commercial terms such as delivery, dispatch of products and/or services are as per principal to principal bipartite contractual obligations between Service Agents and clients and the payment facility is merely used by Service Agents and clients to facilitate the completion of transactions. Use of the payment facility shall not render GiroKab liable or responsible for non–delivery, non-receipt, non-payment, damage, breach of representations and warranties, non-provision of after- sales or warranty services or fraud as regards the products and/or services listed on the Platform.

tick icon You have specifically authorized GiroKab or its service providers to collect, process, facilitate, and remit payments and/or the transaction price electronically or through payment at spot (PAS) to and from clients in respect of transactions through payment facility. Your relationship with GiroKab is on a principal to principal basis and by accepting the ToU, you agree that GiroKab is an independent contractor for all purposes and does not have control of or liability for the services that are listed on the Platform and paid for by using the payment facility. GiroKab does not guarantee the identity of any User nor does it ensure that a client or a Service Agent will complete a transaction.

tick icon You understand, accept, and agree that the payment facility provided by GiroKab is neither a banking nor financial service, but merely a facilitator providing an electronic, automated online electronic payment facility for receiving payment, or payment at spot (PAS), collection and remittance for transactions on the Platform using the existing authorized banking infrastructure and credit card payment gateway (PG) network. Further, by providing payment facility, GiroKab neither acts as a trustee nor fiduciary with respect to transaction or transaction price. It is hereby clarified that payment at spot (PAS) option may not be available for select time at GiroKab’s sole discretion.

tick icon All online bank transfers from valid bank accounts are processed using the gateway provided by the respective issuing bank that supports payment facility to provide these services to the users. All such online bank transfers on payment facility are also governed by the terms and conditions agreed to between a Service Agent client and the respective issuing bank.

tick icon If a customer experiences some sort of misbehavior from the drivers or and if the ride is not completed, Giro kab will be liable to refund the respective customer